Nourish Therapy & Wellness Nourish Therapy & Wellness

What is parts work?

In Internal Family Systems (IFS) therapy, the term "parts" refers to different aspects of an individual's personality that are believed to exist within their internal system. These parts can be thought of as subpersonalities or distinct psychological entities with their own thoughts, feelings, and perspectives. The goal of IFS therapy is to help individuals develop a healthier relationship with their parts, promoting self-awareness, self-compassion, and integration. Here's an overview of how parts work is typically approached in IFS therapy.

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EMDR, mental health, therapy, counseling, trauma Nourish Therapy & Wellness EMDR, mental health, therapy, counseling, trauma Nourish Therapy & Wellness

What is EMDR?

EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) is a type of therapy used to treat symptoms of trauma, anxiety, and other mental health conditions. It involves having the patient recall distressing memories while engaging in bilateral stimulation, such as following the movement of a therapist's finger with their eyes, to help process and integrate the traumatic experience. The theory behind EMDR is that the stimulation helps to "unlock" the memory and allow for more effective processing and healing.

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somatic healing, Therapy, counseling, body work, nervous system, regulation Nourish Therapy & Wellness somatic healing, Therapy, counseling, body work, nervous system, regulation Nourish Therapy & Wellness

Understanding Somatic Work

The mind and body are connected, and this connection is particularly important when it comes to healing from trauma. Trauma can have both physical and emotional effects, and addressing both of these aspects can be crucial in the healing process.

One way to address the mind-body connection and work towards healing from trauma is through somatic practices. Somatic practices involve working with the body and its sensations in order to address physical and emotional issues.

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The Role of Therapy in Recovery & Healing

The human experience is a difficult one. It is filled with joys and pains, beauty and despair…it is okay to need some help outside of yourself to navigate the very real hardships of life on this side of heaven.

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mental health, recovery, substance abuse, substance dependence, addiction Nourish Therapy & Wellness mental health, recovery, substance abuse, substance dependence, addiction Nourish Therapy & Wellness

Addiction: Understanding What is Happening in the Brain

This blog is to help you understand the biological changes that take place in the brain of an addicted person. In reviewing this blog, you will be able to identify the brain basics of addiction and better understand the character changes often witnessed in an addicted individual.

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Nourish Therapy & Wellness Nourish Therapy & Wellness

5 Signs it Might be Time to Start Counseling

Many people experience periods of sadness or feeling down, but how do you know when it’s time to seek counseling? Here are five signs that it may be time to get help from a professional.

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