5 Signs it Might be Time to Start Counseling

Many people experience periods of sadness or feeling down, but how do you know when it’s time to seek counseling? Here are five signs that it may be time to get help from a professional.

Chronic Stress
Everyone faces stressful times in their lives, but if you’re finding that your level of stress is interfering with your ability to succeed at home, at work, and in your daily life, it’s time to seek some additional support. Counseling provides you with healthy ways to manage and cope with stress. Your counselor will sit down with you and listen to what your experience has been with empathy and will help you to create action steps toward goals to make you feel better. Your counselor will teach you healthy ways to address stress and anxiety in your life and will assist you in either building a strong support system or engaging in your current support system.

Overwhelming feelings
Do you find yourself unable to manage your feelings or feel emotionally exhausted because the feelings are so overwhelming? Then it is time to seek professional help. Counseling helps you to identify your stressors and to create a plan to make the things that overwhelm you more manageable. As you continue to practice managing stressors with new coping skills, your confidence increases. You will learn how to recognize early signs of discomfort in order to address things earlier and be able to prevent potential “blow ups.” Your counselor will support you as you increase yourself awareness and find ways to soothe yourself when feeling intense emotions. You will see that the support and guidance of a counselor can help you create positive changes and reduce your anxiety.

Recent loss
Have you experienced a recent loss? Times of loss are very trying and can feel unbearable. You may find it difficult to deal with the deep feelings of grief and feel isolated and depressed. Counseling is a safe and supportive place to begin to find relief from deep sorrow and pain.

Feeling disconnected
Counseling can help you to begin to feel connected again. Experience the life-changing power of a meaningful connection with a counselor. You will feel heard, understood, and valued in a positive, healthy counseling relationship.

Feeling hopeless
Are you finding it hard to see the positive? Are you struggling to find hope? Counseling can be a place to restore your hope and purpose. Counseling helps you to find the faith to dream again and to see the positive, despite negative circumstances.

If you are experiencing any of these signs, please take the next step toward wholeness and well-being and contact a professional who will help you!


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